(+91)11-49483320 stormtechinnovation@gmail.com

Few words about Stormtech Company

Stormtech Innovation Private Limited is a main International Independent Distributor of Electronic Components and parts having its enrolled office in New Delh. We are the IMPORTER, EXPORTER and DISTRIBUTOR of a wide range of Semi-conductors, Electronics parts, customized parts and wide range of gadgets components. We offer and supply items in field of Plastic & Switches, substance, Computer Parts, Projectors, Motor components, Telecommunication, Power electronic, Automobile, E-Rickshaw parts, Industrial Machines, PCB, Consumer Electronics, Electromechanical applications and further electronics substance.




Happy clients





What People Says

The items Stormtech Innovation Private Limited has been managing in are extremely one of a kind and creative, I have been utilizing their coasting light and the activity camera since a significant long time and the experience has been stunning. I generally keep a report on their inventive items and new dispatch.

Our Product Catalogue

StormTech offers to its customers a comprehensive range of manufacturing services to support them through the full life cycle of their electronic products and operate in high tech industries such as consumer electronics, automotive, lighting, Home Appliance, and more.

Our Clients